Thursday, January 26, 2006

WE DID IT! 3 hr. 55 min. 49 sec. and not quite in last place! Posted by Picasa
New pair of Asics tennis shoes.........$90.00

Gas to drive ten times to Houston for Saturday training........$200.00

Gatorade & power bars......$25.00

Dollars raised for Leukemia patients (from my gracious donors!).......$2405.00

Seeing my 11 yr old's smiling face as I finally crossed the finish line.......PRICELESS!
I did it!
Thanks to you!

my sister's pic on my back. we are seconds from the finishline! yea!!! (but ouch the blisters!) Posted by Picasa

about mile 12... Posted by Picasa

about to cross the starting line....! Posted by Picasa

me and darla Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sandra...Me....Darla Posted by Picasa
Yea, I did it! I completed the 13.1 mile half marathon and I didn't even come in last place!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cindy's Progress #4

Hi Everyone!
Well, tomorrow (the 31st), will tell all. It is the last long training walk before the marathon. We will go to Sugarland and walk 12 miles. We will have only one more training day before the marathon and that is next Saturday and we will put in 8 miles that day.
Needless to say, I'm very nervous.
The Chevron/Houston Marathon is in exactly 2 weeks from Sunday. I have been seeing commercials advertising it on tv and all I see are the runners, professional ones at that. I will be the walker in back, panting heavily. But, I know in my heart, that the way I will feel when I cross that finishline will without a doubt be the same exhilarating feeling experienced by the best runner there...
Thank you......Thank you.....Thank you...for helping me make a difference in the lives of so many fighting the battle with Leukemia & Lymphoma. And, thank you for helping me succeed in my goal of walking a marathon!
I will let you know how it goes!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Cindy's Progress #3

I just looked at the calendar and began counting from the first Saturday of training. This weekend will mark the 13th Saturday to train. Wow. It just doesn't seem like that much time has passed.
Since my last progress report, we worked our mileage up to 10 miles. It took about three hours and twenty minutes to do. The cooler weather has really helped alot. I only had a few minor problems. The weekend that we walked our first nine-miler, I came home with blisters. I think my socks had been too thick and were creating too much friction. It had hit me around the seventh mile and I still had two miles to go. No fun. But other than that, my legs ached a little bit. I have come to rely on a couple of ibuprofen before my long Saturday walks!
We had to "recommit" a couple of weeks ago. It is the half-way point in the training and fundraising. It is time for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training to make all the arrangements for the marathon, i.e. entry fees, hotel room, etc. For those fortunate enough to have raised their goal, it was just a matter of signing some forms. For others, it was a time to guarantee the remainder of their fundraising. Because of you and your support, I was pleased to be able to say I'd completed my fundraising!
We have about nine weeks of training to go. We completed the training at Lost Creek Park and have now moved on to the levees of Sugar Land! The terrain is different of course. Thus we have decreased our mileage to adjust to the grassy, sometimes muddy un-even surface. We make this transition to the levees as a way to help strengthen our ankles. I can also say the softer surface might help with the blisters! It's a new experience..!
Once again thank you for all your kind words and continued support!
Till next time~

Monday, October 31, 2005

In the double-digits..........yeehaw!

yea..!!! we completed ten whole miles on saturday! yippee! i never thought i'd be able to do that! it was our last dark saturday morning. we began at 6:20 and walked the first 35 minutes in pitch darkness. i was glad i didn't trip over in rabbits crossing our path!

sandra has been walking with me (thank you sandra) because my usual walking partner, virginia, has been having some health problems. i didn't get blisters this time, just some pain behind my right knee. i've been ice-ing it since.

it was our last time to walk in the park. next saturday we will begin walking on the levees. this is suppose to help us strengthen our ankles. gee whiz, i can't wait........

oh yea, happy halloween!

Monday, October 24, 2005

eehhh, aahh, oooouch...!

9 miles. we completed our 9 miles of walking this saturday in exactly 3 hours. the weather was absolutely beautiful. cool and crisp. all in all it was a great experience.

but, (there is always a but) what i experienced at about mile 7 was no fun.....blisters! blisters started forming on the bottom of both my feet. with every step it burned as i stepped down. this wasn't a good feeling. i'm going to have to make a change in 'socks' before the walk next saturday. maybe thinner ones.

all i know is i spent the rest of the day saturday hobbling around, trying not to step down on the balls of my feet. but, today, monday, i feel all better....!

next saturday will be ten! finally making it to the double digits! i hope i can continue to succeed at this marathon training!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

At our honor patient's bagel breakfast after training! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cindy's Progress #2

Hi Everybody,
Just a quick note to update you on my "Team in Training" progress! We are about 7 weeks into our program. The group is great, everyone is very nice and supportive. Our coach is as helpful as can be, spending time with each of us at our different levels of endurance. (mine being "turtles pace" bringing up the rear!) This Saturday we will be walking about 7.5 miles. It seems like the past couple of weekends, I've been veerrry sore after practice and most of that day. We've been increasing our distance every weekend by about a mile to a mile and a half. I guess it's always that extra little stretch that does it to me! So far it's nothing that a couple of ibuprofen can't cure. At least I'm not sore the day after. I still get one "good day" in on the weekend!
I will tell you one thing. There have been a couple of weekends that we have done our training here in town due to prior committments that kept us from traveling. (oh, and one hurricane rita). Sandra, my sister-in-law who is also training, and I have found areas close to our home to walk our allotted miles. That particular hurricane wknd, it was six in the evening and 99 degrees. Yuk. I have to tell you how happy I was though to hear Gregg driving up behind me in his big black truck delivering "cold water" to our much needed bodies!! He and the boys have been very good about tracking us down and checking on us as we roam the streets!
My prayers for a 'cool front' will hopefully be answered tomorrow! A reprieve from the heat is bound to help my energy level! And boy do I need all the help I can get!
I'm also thrilled to tell you that I'm up to $2300. on my fundraising endeavors! It helps knowing that all this hard work is going toward helping patients and their families...
Thank you all for your support and I'll talk to you again in about a month!

Monday, September 19, 2005

ok, new update...

instead of traveling the usual hour to our train with our group in sugarland, we stayed in town and walked in a local "Wellness 5K". It wasn't exactly the distance we needed to have completed for this week, so we decided we walk an extra mile and a half from downtown to my house. it was already like 9:45 by then and the heat index was suppose to be at least 95+. i have to say i almost died.
is this getting any easier? cuz i'm not feeling it yet.

our goal for this coming saturday is six miles. once again, i feel like i'm going to panic.

i think my only saving grace will be a drop in our temperature and high humidity...

come on fall....

Friday, September 02, 2005

4 mile mark~

well, tomorrow morning we increase our training to 4 miles. i'm scared...

and to think about it, it's not even half of what we'll be walking in the marathon in january...!?!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Got Kicks?

After our training last Saturday, we had Andy Stewart from Finish Line Sports come talk with our group about Asics tennis shoes. It was pretty interesting! This particular line of tennis shoes works with the foot's biomechanics. Some feet roll in (pronate) too much when it makes contact with the ground. So, they fit you with a tennis shoe accordingly. I did go to his store following the presentation and purchased a pair. I like em. I guess I've just waited so long for a new pair of shoes for my training, I was hoping they'd be like 'magic slippers' and make all this walking come easy. But, as of today, still hard....!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My Progess Email #1

Hi Everybody!
I promised you I'd keep you up on my marathon endeavors! I'll try to keep it short, sweet and to the point. Don't want to bore ya! I do want to start with a big "thank you" to all who have made donations to The Leukemia Society on my behalf! I met my initial goal, thanks to you, but will continue to fundraise for this great cause. The money raised will help support patients and families affected by blood diseases and is greatly appreciated by all.
Now, onto marathon progress...! I, along with about 35 other members of the Sugarland "Team in Training" group began our official training schedule two weeks ago. We follow a schedule during the week on our own and then meet in Sugarland to do our 'long walks' (or runs) on Saturday mornings. I have to admit it is hard. At least it is for me. I am not in the greatest of shape so I tend to struggle a little. We started off with a 3 mile walk and will increase to 4 miles this Saturday. It will gradually increase till we are walking 10-12 miles around the first of November or so. The thought scares me.
I must say, I envy the runners. To me, that would be the epitome. If, no, WHEN, I complete this marathon in January, I would love think I could try running. But, I may just be dreaming again...!
I will keep you posted on my efforts and keep your fingers crossed for me, I'm gonna need it!

Monday, August 22, 2005

reality check...

yep. i'm outta shape.
we had our first training day this past saturday. our group consists of about 35 people. we met at a park at 7am. the first thing we had to do was sign-in and designate whether we were walkers, runners or walk/runners. i was pretty surprised that out of the whole group there were only about 5-6 walkers. and yours truly is one of them. so, needless to say, the walkers will be bringing up the rear for the next 18 weeks. i'm not the slowest one of the walkers but i'm pretty slow for my own good. i'm blaming it on the excessive amount of extra weight i'm carrying. it sucks. it seems to be on my mind every hour of the day now. i guess that's what it's going to take to get my butt in gear.
every time i sit down to a meal, i'm thinking. do i want to carry more weight with me next saturday? gee whiz. i hope by the end of the year, i can look back and tell a difference in my whole physical makeup....
we started off saturday with three miles. i'm still wearing my old tennis shoes, so they were not very good to me on this walk. can't wait to get my new ones! i made it though. but my legs kinda ached the rest of the afternoon.
i'm keeping my chin up. i know i have a very long way to go.....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


We had our Team in Training Kick-off celebration last Saturday at the Westin Oaks Galleria. It was great. We had some very 'up-beat' speakers and met our coach and our mentor. This has been a great experience so far and it's only the beginning! I like hearing when the coach talks about the feeling you have when you cross that finish line! He says one of the reasons he keeps coming back is to re-live that feeling with other 'first-timers'! I can't wait! I hope I'm coherent! I want to have that feeling of exhilaration too!! I don't want to be in so much pain that my adreneline no longer wants to kick in! We begin our training this Saturday in Sugarland! I still have not been able to purchase a good quality pair of tennis shoes but I'm hoping to have some by my second training day. "I want a new pair of jazzy kicks that will make me walk farther!"

Talk to you soon!

Friday, August 05, 2005

my aching shins...

Hello Everybody!

Thank you all so much for the many donations! It feels great to know I have the support of alot of wonderful people! It is very inspiring!

I am very happy about the decision I've made to do this marathon and to support The Leukemia Society!

I think about all these things as I go round and round and round the track! And ohhh, my aching shin splints.....!!!!! any suggestions??

Thursday, August 04, 2005


I was so happy to see the fundraising efforts beginning to pay off! Talk about an inspiration! It reinforces my committment with every dollar i raise for leukemia!

A great big "thanks" to everyone who is generously giving to this great cause!!

And thanks for giving me that push to crawl out of bed to walk every morning!!!
You can learn more about my efforts and make a donation by visiting my Web site:

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Fundraising Web Page!

On January 15, 2006, I will be walking 13.1 miles in the HP Houston Half Marathon. I recently joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training and will begin my training in Sugarland on Saturdays for the next five months. I know that this will be a very big challenge for me as I have been out of the "exercise" circuit for a few years now!
I'm sure, as most of you know, I lost my sister, Laura, in October 2000. She was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia and fought a major battle for two years. I will be walking this marathon in her memory. This email kicks off my fundraising efforts for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. My fundraising goal is $1900.00. Each donation helps accelerate cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma and brings hope to the patients and families who are on the front lines of the battle against these diseases. I greatly appreciate you making a donation today and supporting me in this personal challenge.

Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely. You will receive a confirmation by email of your donation and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation. On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I really appreciate your generosity!You can learn more about my efforts and make a donation by visiting my Web site:

P.S. Please forward this email to as many people as you can to encouraging them to donate as well!
Thanks So Much!


cindy tomek sent this e-mail to you to let you know about the ActiveGiving online fundraising tools. You are a personal contact of cindy tomek. All donations will be processed via ActiveGiving's secure credit card processing services. If you wish to be removed from cindy tomek's personal contact list, please contact cindy directly by replying to this message. Visit The Active Network's Privacy Policy and User Agreement: if you have any questions.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Team In Training

I'm so excited. My sister-in-law, Sandra, and I attended our first meeting for the Team IN Training. I have to say that any doubt I had is gone. I was so apprehensive and worried that I would be a big 'misfit' in the group. But, to my surprise, it seems that I CAN DO THIS!

One of my concerns was the fact that we are commuting to Sugarland for our training. This is about a little over an hours drive. I knew there would be a problem making it to train every Saturday. The coach that was at the meeting told me that would not be a problem. He said that the coach and mentor will stay in close contact with me and let me know what I need to be doing that particular weekend and I can do it in my own town. What a relief!

I got a packet of info to start and there is a kick-0ff meeting on the 13th. Then training begins on the 20th of August. I will be creating my own fundraising webpage and working on mailouts! I need to raise 1900. by the end of December!

Let's go....!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

3 mph....a snails pace?!

I clocked myself for the first time last week. I walked my mile and a half in thirty minutes. That would put me at three miles per hour. I hope by October I can work my way to 4 miles per hour....(this is my first attempt at goal setting). Don't laugh. I'm carrying alot of extra weight here. Think of a skinny person walking with fifty lb weights on each leg...

Under the circumstances...I think I'm doing great!

can i be in training?

A couple of weeks ago, I received a card in the mail. It contained information about the Leukemia Society's Team In Training. There is a marathon in Houston in January. The marathon is a full and half marathon. Half is 13.1 miles. Walking. I decided to go online and do some research. My sister lost her battle with Leukemia almost five years ago. She was only thirty-nine. I decided it would hurt me a bit to attend the TNT meeting and find out if this is something I could qualify for.....and actually finish. The meeting is this coming Saturday in Houston. I hope I get the answer I want! I would love to be part of a good cause and do what I can for the society and the personal accomplishment of finishing a marathon!

May 18th, 2005

I started walking with my ten year old son, Brandon at 6:00 one morning in May. For the last 5-6 years, I had been having trouble fitting exercise into my schedule. There just didn't seem to be a time I felt I could devote to exercise. Brandon said he'd accompany me to the local track and jog while I walked. Every time we'd make a lap around the track, I would look ahead at Brandon and expect him to turn off the track and signal to me he was done, so we could go home! But he would continue on to make another lap....and another....and another! I thought, what a little inspiration he was to me. I decided to look upon him as my very own personal trainer! We continued to walk just about every morning during the week. We would walk at least a mile maybe more some days. Once school let out for the summer. I branched out on my own and let Bam sleep in!
It's been a little over two months ago, and I'm happy to say I'm still walking. Usually by now, I've given up!